Friday, December 9, 2011

Space Station

Do you know what one of NASA’s biggest achievements is?  Building the International Space Station!  The ISS is the largest, most complex worldwide scientific project in history and our biggest adventure into space.  In 2005, the ISS was labeled a National Lab.  The station is where scientists can test future equipment, technologies, medicine, and other space related activities.  Boeing is the major contractor to NASA for the ISS.  Boeing also builds and designs all the major elements of the station; and to an extent responsible for successfully integrating new hardware and software.  A recent mission included the installation of the Starboard 6, which was building the final set of solar arrays.  The solar arrays gave almost twice the power to the ISS, which allowed for further advancements for key science projects.  The solar arrays wingspan is around 240 feet, which the last one was 212.  The ISS also has more livable room then a five bedroom house.  This is such a huge advancement for NASA, building such a unique place for scientists to conduct their research.  I think this is amazing and we need to build more things like this in space.  Scientists can study so much in space and this is the perfect way to achieve this.  From the pictures I have seen, this thing was constructed by some serious technologically advanced mechanics.  They need to build more things like this in space and advocate better technology worldwide.  I honestly in five years the technology for NASA will be unbelievable and we can explore space in a whole new way.  Overall, I believe this space station is overall one of the best achievements of mankind and I hope in the future we can build maybe more space stations in space.  The technologies of NASA are the future for mankind.    

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