Wednesday, November 30, 2011


                Will all be lost for humankind if we do not keep exploring deep space exploration?  There are a lot of questions we as humans must ask ourselves and space exploration is one of those.  Do we continue our voyage and path to discover new things out there in our solar system or not?  I believe we need to keep in mind how much of the earth we have already destroyed because of things us as humans have built.  We pollute our planet so much that there could be a long term effect for earth in the near future.  Driving cars, mill plants, oil spills in the ocean, are just a few things that are very harmful for planet earth.  Will we have to rely on other planets in our solar system to keep earth alive or possibly have to relocate onto another planet in the future?  There are just too many questions and to many possibilities out there; we need to keep exploring space and figure out new ways to better the lives for our future generations to come.  I believe NASA is the biggest contender for doing all of this for the world and we need to keep funding the program so we better our future forever.  NASA has achieved so much already, so why shut down the program?  Landing on the moon was the biggest event that they have achieved and that’s just a small thing we can do out in space.  I believe NASA has a lot of potential for bettering and understanding more about our earth and the planets that our in our solar system.  Who knows, maybe in the future we will have to occupy a new planet because of an epidemic occurring here on earth.  Overall, we need to keep deep space exploration alive and definitely keep NASA aboard the journey to a better life for all mankind.    

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NASA Sends "Curiosity" Rover to Mars

I recently read an article and even caught glimpse of this event on the television, which NASA sent a probe out into orbit.  In Cape Canaveral, Florida, on November 26 NASA released a rover into space on its nine month mission to the red planet Mars.  The rover was named Curiosity and is the most advanced rover that they have ever sent out into the depths of space.  The journey was basically for trying to depict if life is on Mars and prepare for future human explorations on the planet.  I think this is a spectacular achievement for the United States, knowing how lately our government has still been trying to figure out the funding for the space program NASA.  We need to keep NASA alive and this was an excellent way to keep our goals right on track for future missions to Mars.  This rover is also noted to be the fastest one ever built.  The Jet Propulsion Laboratory stated, “Once on the surface, the rover will be able to roll over obstacles up to 75 centimeters (29 inches) high and travel up to 90 meters (295 feet) per hour. On average, the rover is expected to travel about 30 meters (98 feet) per hour, based on power levels, slippage, steepness of the terrain, visibility, and other variables.”  This rover gives us hope on finding out more about Mars because it will be able to travel across a lot more terrain, which in the end will give us a lot better findings and results.  The previous Mars rovers only rolled at 18 meters per hour, which is a tremendous difference.  I believe with NASA creating such a rover that the future of space exploration is at an all-time high and will only continue to sky rocket.  We need to continue missions like this and expand our knowledge of the other planets in our solar system.  Overall, I believe this mission is one to keep recorded in the books and hopefully we discover something extraordinary that we have yet to see.  Space exploration and travel is the key for bettering our future as a planet.            

Monday, November 28, 2011

To Back Down or Not

                Why is NASA having these thoughts on backing down on space exploration?  We have spent SO much money already on going to the moon, building space ships, building an international space station, supplying millions of people with jobs, supplies to build rovers, and so many more investments have been made.  The list could go on for days on end and still no conclusion on why we back down on future space travels. 

                I honestly think we need to keep in mind how much money we have put down on the table already and why not keep space travels alive.  I know its billions of dollars to go into space, but we really don't need to spend that much money.  There is more cost efficient ways to do things and NASA needs to get their heads out of their butts; just buy and pay who they REALLY need to pay.  The salaries of all their employees is a big part of the cost on funding NASA.  Why not just hire the people they really need and not all the people they don't.

                Then again, I see their perspective on things too.  It does make sense to drop out of space exploration because of how much of a debt were in.  It costs so much money to send people out into space and build these huge space ships, while keeping in mind the cost for rocket fuel is tremendous.  It's just a reasonable decision on the United States part too because how much more will we really discover in space.  Is there even life out there or things that could help our planet in the future?  It's a huge toss up and huge decision on whether or not to spend the money on  more space travels.  Is it really worth getting so much further in debt?  Will we really discover something worth the money?  These are questions every person should ask themselves before hating on the governments decisions.  Who knows, maybe we will still travel into space and keep the NASA program alive.  Only time will tell now and all we can do is wait........   


Sunday, November 27, 2011

US Astronauts to Russian Space Program?

                Recently, I have been informed that NASA might send some of their astronauts to the Russian space program to help explore the future of space exploration further more.  I hope this doesn't happen for several reasons.  One, I think the United States space program (NASA) is a lot more technologically advanced than the Russian Space Program.  We have been and seen things that the Russian space program has never done before.  We were the first team to land on the moon planet and we built the first international space station.  That is saying a lot about our program and what we can accomplish in such little time.  Just think if we can land on the moon and travel safely back to our planet, there is no reason we can't go beyond to other planets in our solar system.  Second, we will lose a lot of our space exploration hype.  The United States has always been the top dog on space exploration and travel but if we shut down NASA for good then we will be over taken by Russia or China soon.  I believe we are in such a huge debt already that a few space missions won't affect us that much economically.  It is a lot of money but its good money well spent.  Our country is known for our space program and I would hate to see that go down the drain.  We need to buckle up as a country and figure out a way we can still fund the NASA space program because without it, I don't think the future for space exploration will be as efficient.  Sending United States astronauts to a different space program will not solve much, we really need NASA back on the grid; discovering new and exciting things.  Space has a LOT more to discover and I truly believe the United States has a big part in the future for outer space exploration.                  

Friday, November 25, 2011

Creating Something New and Interesting for Our Children

I’ve always wondered why toy manufacturers never created spaceships, rovers, and astronauts for kids to play with.  I mean we have Barbie dolls, transformers, power rangers, and so many other non important toy figures for kids to play with; but nowhere is there a rocket ship or a planet toy.  I think it could make our future generation of children smarter in the future if we created toys that helped them realize what us humans are truly trying to achieve in life; deep space exploration.  Don’t parents want their children to grow up and be as intelligent as they possibly can?  Well that’s where we create NASA or space exploration toys; where kids can interact with space and learn more about it by playing with the toys.  I know kids want to play with power rangers but why can’t we make space exploration more important in every person’s life in this world.  These ideas of space exploration toys could push more children growing up into space programs all over the world and this could help us discover things we never thought we could.  Our future generation is what holds the new and exciting ideas that will be around for their children’s children, so we need to advocate space expansion for all ages.  Most children don’t even know that there is a space out there until they are about 10 years of age or so.  With kids knowing more about space and our world, children all around the world will be more aware of what the possibilities are on space exploration.  Maybe playing with a rocket ship could be a lot of fun for a kid, you never know until we try.  I believe we need to get deep space exploration in the minds of our children at a younger age and make them more aware of what is out there, including all the possibilities and wonders.     

Monday, November 21, 2011

Bringing Life to Other Planets

Recently I read an article  dealing with the thoughts of atheist physicist Steven Hawking and how he advocated the expansion of the human race to relocate on other planets.  I totally agree with Hawking for several points.  First, it is totally correct to say that we have inefficient resources here left on planet earth.  Within the next 100 years or so, resources will rocket to an all-time low and we will have to turn to something and somewhere else.  Second, the human population is growing at an astronomical rate and it would be to our advantage to use some more planets to localize more humans.   Countries such as China have a law on having too many children, so why not throw those kids to Mars.  But in all seriousness, localizing humans on other planets could become a huge advantage in the near future.  Steven Hawking’s was quoted in the article saying, “Our Genetic code still carries the selfish and aggressive instincts that were of survival advantage in the past.  It will be difficult enough to avoid disaster in the next hundred years, let alone the next thousand or million.”  This is totally true with humans; we build stuff that in time could hurt our future.  For example the more and more we build cars; the more people drive those cars and put harmful gases in the atmosphere.  Global warming is a huge deal on planet earth and it is caused mostly by the selfish human beings building things that they don’t think will affect us in the long run.  There also could be resources on other planets that could help us live a longer and better life.  We just need to advance our technologies here on earth and explore other planets in our solar system, seeing what they have to offer us.  I believe if we do this, we could have a long and more stable life for all of mankind.  All in all, I believe and advocate everything that Steven Hawking was saying in this article.      

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My Thoughts On Future Space Exploration

Do you want to know my thoughts on future space exploration? I really think us as a whole nation needs to start thinking more into the future of our solar system.  We need to explore more in depth the black abyss we call space.  There could be stuff we learn about other planets out there that could in time help keep our planet in well-being.  Also, there could be some other type of life forms out there and we may never know until we expand our space exploration.  I believe we need to travel outside our galaxy eventually in the future and really see what’s out there. 
                People usually do not really think about space as much as they should.  I mean come on, earth is a planet.  Don’t you want to see and learn more about other planets like ours?  We need to join together with all the nations and ethnicities around the world and complete this task together.  One has to wonder what other life forms are living among us.  Us as humans couldn’t live out there in space because the lack of oxygen, but what if others could.  But finding other life forms may not happen, at least we should explore the terrain on these other planets.  There could be viable resources out there that could change our earth forever and we may never know until we explore other planets.
                Overall, I honestly just think we need to push space exploration to the maximum limit.  There is so much out there for us as humans to learn and discover.  We just need to take it step by step and start exploring the other planets out there in our solar system; and maybe in the future expand out even further.  The only way we can do this though is by working together as one nation in hope for discovering something truly beautiful out in space.        

Friday, November 18, 2011

NASA Aboard the Journey to the Red Planet or Not?

I recently read an article about the future of the NASA and how they are waiting on funding from President Obama to begin preparing for missions to space.  The United States space program (NASA) wants to accompany the Russian space program to future missions to the red planet Mars.  They want to first successfully plant a rover onto the planet to gather and collect samples.  Then in the future they want to send men on the planet and gather more Intel.  All in all, I think this is a great idea; we need to find out more about these other planets that are located in our solar system.  If we do this, we could have a better future for all of mankind.  But first off, we need to get the funding from the White House before anything else can come.  I believe the president needs get his act together and just fund NASA the money they need to reach further space exploration.  I mean we have been in debt for so long now and a couple billion dollars won’t affect the debt too significantly.  Getting back to the planet missions, this is such a good idea to find out more about Mars.  There could be other biological life forms on that planet and we may never know unless we travel there.  Gathering the soil that makes up the grounds of the planet is also a good way to see if life could be supported on the planet.  Mars is a beautiful planet and the United States cannot pass up an opportunity like this.  We need to be a part of the mission with the Russian space program because this could be one of the biggest missions our life has ever seen.  President Obama needs to figure out what he plans to do with future space exploration soon before it’s too late and the Russian space program has already set foot on the red planet.  Overall, I think NASA needs to jump aboard this space shuttle and set sail for Mars because this is going to be a journey to remember.           

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Nasa Needs To Do To Save Money

Do you know what NASA needs to do?  They need to get there stuff together and learn how to operate in space without using so much damn money.  Seriously, the cost for space travel shouldn’t cost billions of dollars.  There can be ways to cut down the cost of space travel.  First off, don’t hire so many people to work for NASA.  Honestly, they don’t need all those people they hire!  What do they even do? Shine shoes?  Clean carpets?  They just need to hire the people they really need and the people who really put the critical thinking into space exploration travels.  Obviously, they need to employee the spacecraft designers and builders.  Without them, none of the travels into space would be possible.  They also need to hire the astronauts who they trust and are very knowledgeable about space.  They are a key success to what knowledge we gain from the outer depths of space.

Another way they can cut down their funds for space exploration is by using a different fuel source that doesn’t cost so much money.   Currently and in the past NASA has been using rocket fuels to boost the rocket out into the atmosphere of space.  A new idea they have put on the table is by using photovoltaics to power ion-thrust engines into space and this idea is WAY more affordable.  In this economy and with the huge United States debt, this is a great thought.  Adding cheaper fuel to our rocket ships will allow the ships to take many more voyages.  This fuel source is also a lot lighter then rocket fuel which will allow for further travels out into space.  This idea for a new fuel source and hiring just the people they need, not all the extras is a good way for the NASA team to save money.  By doing some of these things I mentioned could possibly lead to a better base and knowledge of life out in space.        

Friday, November 4, 2011

NASA and Space Exploration Funding

In an article I read recently the author talked about how NASA might not end up getting their full funding for the future of space exploration.  This could lead to the discoveries of space by different countries such as China or Russian who are going to be in space in the near future.  The American debt is huge and the government is trying to find ways to cut 1.2 trillion dollars out of the national debt.  The government doesn’t have money to be funding the NASA program.  Priorities like the James Webb Space Telescope and long-planned missions to retrieve rock samples from Mars are at risk to be delayed badly by budget related problems.  By cutting NASA this could lead to missing out on important finds in space some say.  I believe this is true, other countries are now going to be the first to find the new and what’s beyond in our world.  This kind of sucks for the United States because of how our reputation has always been good, but now we won’t be the top dog for space exploration; we will be overrun by either China or Russia.  Our government needs to come up with funds to explore space exploration alongside these other countries and discover this world together.  President Obama proposed funding NASA at 18.7 billion dollars in his proposed fiscal 2012 budget.  Which is about 280 million, or 1.5 percent more than the agency got in fiscal 2011.  On Tuesday, the Democrat-controlled senate approved 17.9 billon dollars for the space agency.  This is astounding to me because they cut out a lot of money that they proposed for NASA, but still the money they are offering is better than nothing.  A lot of the money that goes to NASA goes to the hundreds of employees they hire.  However, they do not hundreds of employers; NASA just needs the bare minimum.  Overall, I hope to see NASA get their correct funding to achieve great success in space in the near future.                             

Chinas Off into Space!

I recently read an article over China space exploration and how they just sent two spacecraft’s 200 miles above earth.  The crafts names were Shenzhou 8 capsule and the Tiangong 1 module.  China also stated that they have future plans on putting men on the moon; they plan to take off into space around the year 2020.  It amazes me that China wants to go to the moon even though the United States were the first humans to reach it.  However, China is usually known to be more advanced technologically then the United States.  It still will help the world as a whole if China goes to the moon because they can gather up different kind of information that the United States might have missed.  While saying that, there are different scientists and different minds in the Chinese space exploration programs that will bring different ideas onto the table.  China is also banned from using the American International Space Station.  I don’t know why this is; maybe the United States is jealous that the Chinese has many new and exciting ideas.  The world needs to come together for space exploration and put every single little idea together from different scientists worldwide to gain more knowledge of what we are really capable of.  Also, the Chinese are known for their technology so why not use it…  The United States needs to allow the Chinese department to use the space station and in exchange use some of their well-developed technology.  Both countries would gain if we did so and not to mention more bonds between us would occur.  Overall, the United States could really use helpful knowledge from other countries including China.  We will grasp a better future for our people, gain significant knowledge, and best for last learn more of the depths of space.